Monome Grid Turns 15: “New And The Same” Edition

Monome Grid USB Midi Controller

The Monome Grid turns 15 and Monome celebrates that with releasing a new edition of the 16×8 button grid USB midi controller. This beauty predates controllers like Ableton Push and Native Instruments’ Maschine and while being… well, basic, that’s what made it get a community built around it.

We’ve redesigned the grid, again. but this time almost everything is new, even though we added nothing.

The completely re-worked-but-still-the-same keypad is produced by a Massachusetts keyboard company, Monome says that while the size is the same the feel of the buttons is slightly snappier yet easier to press and have better detection mechanics. The aluminum enclosure has been optimized and it’s now connected using USB-C. There’s no new bells & whistles added, keeping the protocol the same.

In short, grid doesn’t do much on its own. It’s inherently modeless, adapting to the immediate needs of the artist through a host application. Through one, it might do traditional MIDI controller things. Through another, it might facilitate + visualize realtime buffer manipulation. The host determines grid’s usefulness in a specific context.

The “New and the same” Grid edition is available for pre-order now with the first batch of three already sold out, so if you’re out to get one you might just have to hurry up. They’re available for $550 bucks.

Monome: The Grid ($550)

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